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Saturday, March 23, 2013


Definition of XSS :
If you search the web, there are many different ways to define a cross site scripting attack. Simply put, XSS vulnerabilities occur when a malicious attacker is permitted to inject a client-side script into a web site that is viewed by other people who become the victims of the attack. Unlike other common attacks against web sites, XSS doesn’t attack the Web application or database server directly. Instead, it uses the web site, or web server, as a launching pad to execute malicious code in the browser of the site’s visitors to:
Steal login credentials
Steal cookies
Track users activity
Exploit browser activity
Exploit user activity
When combined with other exploits, XSS can be used to launch extremely sophisticated, and dangerous, attacks, making a Web application security measures essential.
Cross-Site Scripting Examples :
One of the best examples of how a cross site scripting attack works was the Samy worm that spread its way through MySpace in October of 2005. Exploiting a hole in the MySpace network, this author of this worm created a malicious page that contained an XSS payload. When an unsuspecting user visited the page, the XSS attack would kick in and sent a friend request to the author (manipulating the victim’s browser), and then replicate itself on the victim’s profile page while leaving messages containing the payload on the profile pages of the victim’s friends.
Another common use of cross site scripting occurs when login credentials are stolen. For instance, an attacker notices that an online store is susceptible to an XSS vulnerability where users are encouraged to post product reviews. Instead of a legitimate post, the attacker uploads a script that contains a payload designed to steal the cookie of anyone who reads their review. The information contained in the cookie can then be used by the attacker to impersonate the victims to access their accounts with the store.
Don’t be a Victim of XSS
Since so many web sites have been found to be vulnerable to XSS attacks, you would think that they are extremely difficult to prevent. Fortunately, this is not the case. Cross site scripting attacks can be prevented by escaping and validating any user input. According to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) six out of their eight rules for preventing XSS attacks deal with either escaping or validating user input.
Escaping user input can be done by using the escape_special function to change characters that are not allowed (usually <, >, &, and ") into characters that are allowed as input. The output displayed on a page can also be escaped to prevent visitors to your site from being victimized by XSS attacks launched from your site. For example, turning <script> into &lt;script&gt; disables an attackers ability to use your web site to attack your visitors.
Validation is even easier. Validation makes sure the input is legal. You can whitelist input, for example only allowing a text string, or you can validate legal input is by blacklisting. In a scenario where blacklisting is used, if your site request a text string, you can blacklist numbers and special characters as input.

Some XSS Tricks

I had submitted some XSS vulnerabilities in by these names: (before website)

Soroush.SecProject.Com (nowadays)

Now, because of using some tricks in these XSSes, they can be interesting. I want to describe some of these tricks here:

1- Insert JavaScript code inside of available script. In order to insert proper arbitrary JavaScript, we must insert something to close left side of JavaScript, then insert our own JavaScript, and finally close the right side of JavaScript to prevent errors.

As you can see in “”, the XSS query is this:

?sx=”});};document.write(‘This is XSS test –’);alert(‘Safe XSS’);function startVideoPlayer(){getFailQS({destURL:”",show:”

In this query, first I closed the defined function by ["});};] , and then I inserted my arbitrary script there. After that, I used [function startVideoPlayer(){getFailQS({destURL:"",show:"] to open a function to complete the right side of the code to prevent a JavaScript error.

You can see some other example of this group:

2- Insert JavaScript code in another format. Sometimes we can insert our JavaScript code via the some other forms of input such as Base64. In this way, we must look for algorithms of inputs.

As you can see in “”, I inserted a Base64 string in order to perform XSS attack.

3- Using techniques. There are always something new and fantastic in this XSS cheat sheet! I learned many things from it.

Example to bypass filters: “”

4- Use your own idea to insert your codes. We must be creative in performing XSS. For example in “”, I could not insert any string for my alert() function, so I insert something in title of the page, and then read them in my alert() function. It is obvious that I could use eval() function to execute some codes by this method.

?wrd=Tested in Mozilla (Onmouseover) — IRSDL is HERE — Soroush.SecProject.Com — Another XSS Trick in Yahoo&prn=[irsdl]&pth=test&opt=onmouseover%3dalert(window.document.title.substring(15)) onmouseout%3dalert(/SeeYou/)

Another example is “” which is based on the “”:

[DNN URL] /Default.aspx/”onmouseover=”x=’al’;x=x+’ert(/WWW.BugReport.IR/)’;eval(x);alert().aspx

In this XSS, I used a feature of .Net which is “Slash after .aspx” in order to change PATH_INFO parameter in Server Variable. As “Dot Net Nuke (DNN)” used PATH_INFO instead of URL parameter, path was inserted into the default.aspx page without any checking. So I inserted “onmouseover” event there. But, there was a problem with alert() function which DNN could recognize it and omit it plus all of the string after it! So, I inserted alert() function as a string into the “x” variable, and then evaluate it by using eval() function. Another problem was that DNN needed “.aspx” at the end of the request (before Get parameters)! So, I inserted an “alert().aspx” at the end of the query which I knew that DNN will omit it plus all the string after that.

Moreover, you can see in “” that I used another query which is:

http://[DNN URL]/Default.aspx/bugreport/”onmouseover=”var a=’.aspx?’;document.location=’’;

In this example, I must use a “:” for the “”, but I could not insert it before the “?” because of getting error by the IIS (“:” is used to indicate a port). So, I inserted a “.aspx?” in a temp “a” variable in order to have: 1- a “.aspx” at the end of the query (before Get parameters) 2- insert “:” into the “http://”.

Note: I could not use “onmoueover” after the “?” because it replaced the double quotation in Get parameter by %22.
Thanks for visiting!

New XSS-CSS script attack

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Generate Fake Facebook Conversations

Have You Ever Wondered when Some Of Your Friends Upload A Snapshot Of Conversation With A big Celebrity ?

I Think The Answer Is "Yes"..

Some Day Ago One Of my Very Good friend Uploaded A Snapshot of Conversation With Bill Gates.I got Surprised and with in a half hour I found the way How he done that.

So Guys Today i will Share That Trick of Generating fake facebook conversations With You.
You can Construct Any Kind Of Fake Facebook Conversation With anyone Including Your friends.

First of all Go To
Then Click On "fConnect" Button.

You Have To Click On Confirmation To add That Application In Your Facebook Profile.After That You will See Something Like This.

You Can Create Any Kind Of Posts By Using "Wall Machine".I am Creating A simple Status Update You can Also Create Relationship Status Update,Friendship Update,Like Update,Event Update E.t.c By Clicking On The Bottom On The Page.

The website Is Very Much User Friendly. You only Have To click On the Thing Which You want To Edit.You Can Also Change The Time Of posts,Likes On Posts E.t.c To looks It Real.
After That Click On Save Then Give A post Title and Post Category. And Click On Save Again.

After That Save You will See Something Like This.
Yes You Are Right There Is No Download Option To Download Your Fake Wall Post.
But Why To Worry On TechWarLock.
Simply Take A Snapshot Of entire Screen By Pressing "Prt Scr" (Print Screen) Key.
And Paste That Image in Paint. After That Crop That Image To A Viewable Size.And You Are Done.
Lets See I Also Edited Mine One By Using Paint.And Final Fake Post Looks Like This.
Now upload That fake facebook conversations Snapshot On Facebook And Give A shock To Your Friends.

How To Get 10000 Of Friends On Facebook

So Guys Today I am Going To show You A Trick By Which You Can Able To Get 10000 Or More Friends On Facebook In minutes.

STEP 1: Go To And Click On TRY NOW to download the One Day Trial Pack Of Facebook Auto Friend Adder Pro 3.1 .

STEP 2:Its A Small Software, After Download Install That..

NOTE: During Installation It needs Microsoft .Net Installer Framework 4..If You don't Have this Framework on your computer Then Download and Install This By Going Through This link.
Download now .NET

After that Click On "Start Download" To Download And Install Microsoft .Net Installer Framework 4.

STEP 3: Double Click To Open Facebook Friend Requester. You will Look Something Like This.

In Url Bar of Facebook Friend Requester Type ""
and then
Enter Your Facebook Username and Password And Login From That Software.

STEP 4: After Login Go To Any of Your Friends Profile Or any Famous Facebook Fan Page Or Group Where You Want To Add All Members In Your Friend List.

STEP 5: After That Click On "Get user Id From Page" Which you Can See In The Left Hand Side Of the Page.It Will Take Sometime to Gather User ID of Everyone Present On The Page,Friend list Or In a Group.

STEP 6: If You want To Select A Time limit To Send Requests Duration from One Person To Another Then Click On "Settings Tab" Under The Software And Modify Value From 50 To Anything. :)

STEP 7: After That Come Back To "Get Users ID" Tab And Then Click On "Send Friend Requests"
It Will Send Friend Requests To All The People's Profiles Who's USER ID is Fetched By You.
You Can Try This On Biggest Groups Or Pages Where Number Of Members Is More Than 100000
Or Even You Can Apply This On Your Friends Profile..And You Can Able to Send Them a Request In A Single Click.
When People Starts To Accept Your Requests..You Will See A Massive Increase In Your Facebook Friend list..So Try This SimpleTrick To get friends on facebook.


Login to Facebook

Click update status

Paste below code to ur status

@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Your Text Here ]]

Replace ” Your Text Here” with ur status

Click Post
Status will be updated in Blue color

Know How To Post .gif images On facebook

Have you ever wondered on how to post .gif images on facebook..If ‘yes’ then your long wait is going to be over now. There are thousands of the peoples in forums asking the similar question “how to post a .gif image on facebook” but there is nobody who can answer this Question because officially facebook doesn’t provide a facility to upload and post .gif images.
If we try to upload a .gif image then it is converted into a .jpg by their servers but beyond this there is a possible way by which we can able to post .gif images on facebook or we can set a .gif image as our facebook timeline cover.
To post a .gif image on facebook Or to set a .gif image as facebook timeline cover follow these steps:
Login on your facebook account.
Any picture link .You will see A animated image.(Animation ofThis Image is prevented by facebook Since 6th August 2012 After Recent Facebook timeline Upgradation.So this image is not working now.we will shortly update this post with a new link.Sorry For Your Inconvenience.)
If you want to post that image on your wall simply clicks on “share” button. it will posted to your wall.
If you want to use that .gif image as facebook timeline cover than click On “tag photo” and tag yourself or whomever you want.
I will accept your tag request as soon as possible.
After that go to your profile Set that picture as your timeline cover.

Done View Your Profile You Had set a .gif image as your timeline cover.

Trick To Fresh Install Of Windows Xp in 10 Minutes

Formatting And Fresh Installation of Windows Xp is a lengthy and boring Process But we all Have To do that.
Sometimes In a Month And Sometimes in A week.
Its Approx 40-60 minutes long process.But Friends Today I will Show You how To format Or Fresh Install Xp in Just 10 minutes.
So Lets Take A look.

To perform a clean installation of Windows XP, follow these steps:
Start your computer from the Windows XP CD. To do this, insert the Windows XP CD into your CD drive or DVD drive, and then restart your computer.

Note To boot from your Windows XP CD, the BIOS settings on your computer must be configured to do this.
When you see the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press any key to start the computer from the Windows XP CD.
At the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to start Windows XP Setup.
Read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then press F8.
Follow the instructions on the screen to select and format a partition where you want to install Windows XP.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the Windows XP Setup.
So Friends Above All Is Only Normal Process. The main Part Begins From Here...

STEP 1 :

After the Copy Part is Over ... System is Rebooted as we all know In general Formatting Procedure...
Now After Reboot The Below Image Will Appear....

STEP 2: Now As This Image APPEARS You Have to Press "Shift + F10 " . This Will Open The command Prompt... Now type taskmgr in it. This will open the Task manager .

STEP 3 : After The task Manager Opens Goto Processes ... And Find "Setup.exe" process and Right CLICK on It.... and set the Priority to Highest....

STEP 4: Now Just Wait And Watch It Will Completed In 2 minutes To 9 Minutes. Vary From System To System!!!.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Have you ever wanted to hide folders in your phone? If yes,there here is very interesting solution for you to hide folders in your phone and you dont even need any software for that.

This trick can be used for any JAVA phone from Nokia,Samsung,Motorola,LG or any other company.


Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that is to be hidden.

Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as IMG.jad

Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of .jar So, I would create the folder with the name IMG.jar

And thats it!! My orignal images folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with.jar extension is visible which is empty.So,my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes.

To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with .jad will become visible.

How to Delete administrator Password without any software

Method 1

Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.

Method 2

Step 1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc .

Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk              ).

Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.

Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->config

Step 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log

Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.

Step 7. And boot your computer.