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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Crack a Windows 7 / XP or Vista Password With Ophcrack Live CD

The first thing we will need to do is download the CD image from Ophcrack’s website. There are two options to download, XP or Vista, so make sure you grab the right one. The Vista download works with Windows Vista or Windows 7, and the only difference between XP and Vista is the “tables” Ophcrack uses to determine the password.

Step 1 – Burn Ophcrack Vista Live CD to a CD or DVD disc. Use a ISO file burn program to burn the ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso to the cd or dvd disc. Note: You cannot burn the iso file to the cd or dvd disc like burning a common file.  You should use the Burn ISO Image option the burn program provides to burn the iso file to cd or dvd disc, or you will fail to boot the computer from Ophcrack Vista Live CD. If you have trouble in this operation, you can refer to How to burn ISO image file to CD/DVD disc.
Step 2 – Boot the computer which will be hacked from Ophcrack Vista Live CDNote: The following steps should happen on the computer you want to hack, instead happen on the computer you are using.
2.1 Insert Ophcrack Vista Live CD to the computer.
2.2 Access to BIOS Setup Utility to Set the CD/DVD-ROM as the first boot device.
2.3 Press 10 to save BIOS setting and then restart computer.
Tip: If you fail to boot from Ophcrack Vista Live CD, you should check whether you used the right way to burn the ISO file to CD/DVD disc, and check whether you have set the computer to boot from CD/DVD-ROM.
Step 3 – Get the password has been hacked by Ophcrack. After boot from Ophcrack Vista Live CD, you do not need to do anything. What you should just do is write down the password has been hack. The user column will list the user Ophcrack find in system. The NT Pwd column will list the password has been found. If the NT Pwd field is empty for a special user, the password has not been found yet.
Step 4 – Resart Windows and login with the recovered password. Press the restart button of your computer or click Menu -> Logout -> Reboot system to restart computer, and then login with the hacked password.

Windows :
                 Download Now

Linux :

                 Download Now


  1. thanks guy, I thought it only works on xp alot thanks again.
